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  • Writer's pictureLuisa Sciré

Maintenance Monthly Sessions

Updated: May 9, 2021

When You Feel on top of aches, strains and feel good, keep up the good work

Recently a regular client started the session saying, “My Tennis Elbow Has Improved, Plantar Fasciitis is not causing me any pain, I am here just to keep up with my monthly treatments.”

HOORAY its maintenance massage!

In the Twelve Years that I have been a Massage Therapist, I always recommend monthly massage for maintenance. Why wait for the build-up of aches, pains, and life's general stressors to build up? Financially more savvy monthly treatments than waiting for the onset of tension areas and heading into weekly treatments.

Posture is something we generally fail at, with new technology forward flexion onto our laptops at home, work & let us face it the laptop makes its way onto the bed to do a few more things before we go to sleep.

The new extension of our body the mobile phone, again forward flexion of our head placing regular strain on our neck muscles, back, Arm & Thumb.

We move our bodies, / we don't either way within the month one builds tension areas the other will greatly benefit from circulation moving fluid and clearing stagnation.

Our mind is being hijacked by overload of news media, work demands, family & general life stress. Let’s activate your parasympathetic system and flush your system with neurochemicals to feel good.

I have always been mindful of clients having time and money, Maintenance. Once a month is doable if not do the best you can, the key is regularity.

A good take away would be to see your efforts as accumulative health care, Twelve Hours this year turns to twenty-four hours of body work the following, it all adds up.

Warm Regards


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