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  • Writer's pictureLuisa Sciré

Supportive Therapy

During my 12 years as a Massage Therapist ,

Re-occurring reasons clients have booked treatments are: Anxiety , Depression , Work life Stress. Also personally for myself, I certainly use Massage Therapy to provide support during shifts in my life, as well as the deep tissue work element.

Body Work is a supportive tool, assisting in reduction of stress hormone and increase of feel good neurotransmitters.

Clients may seek other professionals to work through core stress/trauma issues.

Massage supports the nervous system a great complimentary therapy.

Getting on top of Acute stress before it begins to impact body systems and functions

Adrenals, Gut Health, Mental Health , Sleep, Blood Pressure. Immune System.

If finances are an issue . Some community services have health professionals ( counselling ) that you can see for free and put on a waiting list.

Massage Therapy : Supporting you at the intervals of change in life.

Have you made your Monthly Massage Appointment ?

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